Saturday, October 8, 2011

RTL 2011 - it's on today!

RTL is taking place today from 2pm - 7pm
on the New Design High School rooftop.

350 Grand Street btw Ludlow an Essex St's.

Don't miss it! Featuring a ton of artists and
DJ DP ONE of the Heavy Hitters /
Turntable Anihilists.

Friday, October 7, 2011

RTL 2011 - Tomorrow 10/8/11 - Don't miss it!

RTL 2011 is taking place tomorrow, Saturday October 8th, 2011.

Click on the flier above to enlarge it. The show will run on the
rooftop of the New Design High School in NYC's Lower East Side
from 2pm - 7pm.

Check out DJ DP One of the Heavy Hitters / Turntable Anihilists
on the roof too!

Keep your eyes on the blog and FB page for more artist info and

See you there!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

TOOFLY NYC for RTL 2011!

Here's a look at TOOFLY NYC's piece for
the Rooftop Legends 2011 show.

We're glad to have this strong female
artist in RTL 2011. You can check
out TOOFLY's work at: